Grants & Awards
Student Travel Grants - SMC 2016
The SMC Society awards travel grants for students who are in most need and lack of financial
resources to attend. Successful grant recipients will receive a reimbursement ($500 of each) upon
registering and presenting her/his paper at SMC 2016.
Young Professional Travel Grants - SMC 2016
The SMC Society awards travel grants for young professionals who are in most need and lack of
financial resources to attend. Successful grant recipients will receive a reimbursement ($500 of
each) upon registering and presenting her/his paper at SMC 2016.
SMC Junior Extras
SMC Junior 2016 provides several extras beyond the SMC 2016 for Junior participants. These are:
• Local Travel discount
• Registration fee discount
• SMC Junior Travel Grants
• SMC Junior Best Paper Award
• Junior Competition
• Post conference tour
Local Travel discount:
Budapest Public Transport ticket with 1 week validity for the first 100 IEEE SMC Student or
Graduated Student participants.
Registration fee discount
Reduced registration fee for Students, Graduated Students and Young Professionals who come
from low income country.
SMC Junior Travel Grants
The SMC Society awards travel grants for students who are in most need and lack of financial
resources to attend. Successful grant recipients will receive a reimbursement ($500 of each) upon
registering and presenting her/his paper at SMC Junior 2016.
This Grant is not equivalent than the SMC 2016 Travel Grant, it is a separated Grant.
SMC Junior Best Paper Award
Beyond the SMC 2016 Student Best Paper Award, Junior participants have the chance to win the
Best Junior paper.
Junior Competition
A competition for SMC Students, Graduated Students - results should be presented on SMC Junior
Post conference tour
Post conference Budapest Tour for the first 150 Junior applicants (guided tour by professional
youths to meet Budapest as the City of Young Generation).
NOT just for Junior participants!