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We are finalizing Issue 2 of the SMC magazine ass you read this
message, and the Society has initiated a search for a new Newsletter
Editor in Chief (click here for details).

Nominations should be sent by email to Vladik Kreinovich, and should
be received by August 15, 2015 in order to be considered. Nominations
should be sent by email to Vladik Kreinovich, [email protected] and
should be received by August 15, 2015 in order to be considered.

October 9-12 are the dates reserved for the 2015 International  SMC conference to be held in
Hong Kong. http://www.smc2015.org/ This is the Society's  premier conference, and this year's
conference  promises to be as successful as the past events. I look forward to seeing you all

I like to share with you a number of facts regarding the Newsletter as the Magazine and we can
collectively work to make content both useful as well as timely. To begin, your technical
magazine articles are submitted through Manuscript Central site at:


Detailed instructions are available at the main SMC Website:


Once your manuscript has been verified to conform to the publishing guidelines, the Magazine
Editor in Chief (EiC) assigns the manuscript to a member of the editorial board who are referred
to as Associates Editors (AE) who in turn invite colleagues who are experts in the article's area.
Usually 5-6 reviewers are invited and at least three reviews are required for the AE to prepare a
recommendation to the EiC who in turn reviews the AE's recommendation and the corresponding
reviews and communicates the publication decision to the article's corresponding author. The
authors are requested to prepare their revised manuscript within a specified time period. As you
can see, this process may take up to three-four months for an accepted article to make it to the
production stage.  Experience with the first two issues of the magazine has shown that up to two
more months are required for the production stage from the   date all final manuscripts are
submitted until they are sent to print. That time frame is from the date that the last manuscript in
an issue is received (so delays in any content will result in the delay of the print date).
Most of us are aware that these estimates are idealistic and that we need all involved in the
publication process adhere to the indicated deadline.

Another point worth noting is motivating colleagues to regularly contribute to the magazine. The
contributions are the life blood of the two publications, and it is important to recognize that a
healthy backlog is required for a sustainable publication schedules. I invite you all to suggest
measures that can make both newsletter and the magazine as relevant to promoting our
society's goals as possible.

Let me hear from you.

M.  E. El-Hawary, Ph.D.  P. Eng.

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dalhousie University
1360 Barrington Street
Box 15000, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4R2
Phone: (902) 494-6198
Email: [email protected]