SMC-L will cover the ultimate aims and key strategies of the SMC society towards the next generation of symbiotic human and machine intelligence systems. The feature of SMC-L is highlighted by its rapid publication of peer-reviewed short articles within 5 pages, which provide a timely and concise account of innovative research ideas, novel application results, and significant theoretical findings, as well as analyses of emerging trends and groundbreakingly work in SMC fields. SMC-L will provide a new means for members and readers to complement established SMC transactions.
Editorial Committee:
- Wang Yingxu, EIC, Univ. of Calgary, Canada
- Baciu George, Polytechnical Univ. of Hong Kong
- Barghout Lauren, University of California, Berkeley
- Berwick Robert, MIT, USA
- Budin Gerhard, Univ. of Vienna, Austria
- Chan Cristine, Univ. of Regina, Canada
- Chen Philip, Univ. of Macau
- Falk Tiago, Univ. of Quebec, Canada
- Gavrilova Marina, Univ. of Calgary, Canada
- Guan Ling, Toronto Metropolitan Univ., Canada
- Enrique Herrera-Viedma, University of Granada, Span
- Haward Newton, Oxford University, UK
- Hou Zengguang, State Key Lab, Inst. of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Huang Ting, Texas A&M UniversityUSA
- Huang Runhe, Hosei University, Japan
- Jia Yuheng, Southeast University, China
- Kacprzyk Janusz, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Kaynak Okyay, University of Boun, Turkey
- Kinsner Witold, Univ. of Manitoba, Canada
- Kozma Robert, University of Memphis, USA
- Kreinovich Vladik, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
- Kwong Sam, City Univ., Hong Kong
- Leung Henry, Univ. of Calgary, Canada
- Liu Hongzhi, Peking University
- Nahavandi Saeid, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
- Padrycz Witold, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
- Pal Nikhil R., Indian Statistical Institute
- Patel Shushma, De Montfort University
- Peng Jun, Congqing Univ. of Science and Technology
- Plataniotis Kostas N., Univ. of Toronto, Canada
- Rayz Julia, Purdue University
- Rubio Fernando, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Rudas Imre J., Univ. of Obuda, Budapest, Hungary
- Shi Peng, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia
- Skowron Andrzej, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences and CNT at UKSW
- Smith Mike, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Soda Paolo, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy
- Stoica adrian, JPL, NASA, USA
- Su Shunfeng, NTUST, Taiwan
- Trajkovic Ljiljana, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Tunstel Edward, Motiv Space Systems, Inc.; Motiv Robotics
- Vladik Kreinovich,
- Wang Guoyin, Chongqing Univ. of Post & Telecom
- Wen Xing, Harbin Engineering University, China
- Widrow Bernard, Stanford University, USA
- Zanzotto Fabio, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
- Zhang Fa, Inst. of Computers, Cjnese Academy of Sciences, China
- Zhang Kaizhong, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Zhang Du, Macao University of Science and Technology
- Zhou Mengchu, New Jersey Institute of Technolgy, USA
- Zhu Haibin, Nipissing University, Canada
- Zatarain Omar, Assistant editor