Editorial of Issue 69, March 2021, of the eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society

Dear Readers,

This is the second issue of the IEEE SMC Society eNewsletter for 2021, and this Editorial is my first as the Editor-in-Chief.

I sincerely thank the Society leadership for the trust and helps, and will work hard to increase the influence of the eNewsletter as a forum for updates, reports, and announcements on the Society. We welcome submissions from all readers, including society news, featured articles (research ideas, discussions on emerging areas, debatable issues), research activities (information about a research group and its activities), call for papers/participations, job openings, etc.

I’d also like to thank the previous Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Mariagrazia Dotoli, for her five years of dedicated service and 14 great issues published. With helps from her, Prof. Peng Shi (VP Publications), Prof. Saeid Nahavandi (Chair, Communication Subcommittee) and Mr. Syed Salaken, the transition was very smooth, and our first issue of 2021 was published promptly in February.

This issue publishes our Society Report 2020. You will find a lot of useful and up-to-date information there: governance, organization and planning, publications, membership and student activities, conferences and meetings, finance, technical areas, various committees, etc. As pointed out by our President, Prof. Imre Rudas, “the report could provide more information to our members and bring them closer to the everyday activities of the governance.”

This issue also contains two pieces of exciting news: Prof. Azad Madni was inducted into the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and Prof. Okyay Kaynak received the prestigious Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) International Awards. Congratulations!

Another great news for our SMC society members is that, as a sponsoring society,  SMC Society members and student membersncan join IEEE Brain Community as individuals for free.  Please visit https://brain.ieee.org/ieee-brain-community-membership/ for details.

This issue also publishes two featured articles. The first one introduces the paper “Evaluation of Remote Crane Operation with an Intuitive Tablet Interface and Boom Tip Control,” which won the IEEE SMC 2020 Best Paper Award. The second one introduces adversarial attacks in brain-computer interfaces. Enjoy!

Finally, we encourage readers to submit book proposals to Wiley-IEEE Press Book Series on Human-Machine Systems, and also papers to the two special issues (Knowledge Based Systems, and Control Engineering Practice), our flagship SMC conference (going virtual) https://ieeesmc2021.org/, and IEEE Conference on digital twins and parallel intelligence https://www.dtpi.org/. The deadlines of the latter two are April 5 and May 15, respectively.

 I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Please feel free to send me any updates, suggestions, or comments!


Prof. Dongrui Wu, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, SMCS eNewsletter
School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
[email protected]