Ambassador of SMC
An authorized official representative and messenger of the Society.
Purpose of the Ambassador Program (AP)
- establishing and/or enhancing connections with Sections
- establishing new chapters
- enhancing technical activities of existing and/or new Chapters
- by establishing connections among Society and Chapter officers
- by providing best practice information
- guidance in conference organization
- enhancing student activities, establishing new student branch chapters
- improving the scientific level of regional conferences
- by giving plenary lectures
- by organizing special sessions
- establishing SMC best paper award and control the process
- organization of Chapter Chairs meetings
- membership development.
Program Operation
The Distinguished Programs Committee (DPC): responsible for the launching and operation of the AP.
The ambassadors are appointed to a Region and/or to a Subregion.
Appointment of Ambassadors
Based on the nomination of the DPC the Ambassador is appointed by the President.
Selection Criteria
The ambassador should:
- be an SMCS member, IEEE Fellow
- be experienced in the operation of the Society (officer, past officer or BoG member of SMC, or could be selected with other IEEE Society background)
- have good personal connections in the region to be appointed
Selection is based on nomination.
The Expenses of a visit of an Ambassador are covered by the Society, including:
- Travel support: up to $1,000 USD if the one-way, non-stop travel time is within 6 hours, and up to $2,000 USD if more than 6 hours
- Local travel
- Hotel expenses
- Meals