Self-Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems

TC Leadership TC Chair Huaglory Tianfield (Email) Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom Our Goal Today’s distributed and networked systems, saturated with large-scale communications and computing, have become increasingly complex. New solutions are urgently required to effectively tackle the soaring complexities of such systems. The Technical Committee on Self-Organized Distributed and Pervasive Systems aims to explore…

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Cyber-Physical Cloud Systems

Our Goal Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that feature the seamless integration of computation and physical components. They are often in the form of decentralized systems in edge-cloud infrastructures in which Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) is embodied. The mission of the Technical Committee is to provide a focal platform for researchers and…

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Robotics and Intelligent Sensing

Our Goal The Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Technical Committee (RIS-TC) strives to maintain SMC’s leadership position in robotics and intelligent sensing research, provide strategic support to SMC members active in robotics and intelligent sensing research, and serves as a link between members of the RIS-TC and other technical committees within the IEEE SMC Society. In…

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Model-Based Systems Engineering

Our Goal The IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Model-Based Systems Engineering (TC-MBSE) was formed to foster and promote formal modeling approaches, languages, and methods that enable complex socio-technical systems engineering. The committee pursues various thrusts within the complex, socio-technical systems engineering rubric, including potential synergies among modeling paradigms, related translations and transformations, and methodologies, methods,…

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Medical Mechatronics

Our Goal Advances in the life sciences and in medical technology have positioned bio-medical technology as a major driver in the global knowledge-based economies. A successful medical intervention depends not only on the capability or experience of clinicians, but also the adequacy of medical instruments and devices. In addition, the technical aids and assistive devices…

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Intelligent Transportation Systems

Our Goal In the 21st century, the biggest driver of technology development comes from integrating multiple disciplines’ advancements, along with an emphasis on improving human-technology interaction rather than forcing users to adapt. One case in point is the developing field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), that combines transportation systems with control, communications, and information technologies….

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Intelligent Power and Energy Systems

Our Goal To promote the development of intelligent power and energy systems and applications of computational intelligence methods for solving planning, operation, management, and control problems in power and energy systems. To organize international conferences and publications in the field. To establish discussion forum, study group and industry meeting to express different views. To pay…

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Intelligent Learning in Control Systems

Our Goal In recent years, there has been a growing recognition in integration of learning and control that significant efforts need to be made to improve performance of controlled or automation or autonomous systems. This technical committee will promote the theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of integration of learning and control in the areas of…

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