Systems, Man and Cybernetic for the Benefit of Humanity #JoaoPessoaCyber

 #JoaoPessoaCyber – João Pessoa, Brazil, May, 11, 2018

Systems, Man and Cybernetic for the Benefit of Humanity - JoaoPessoaCyber

Location: Federal University of João Pessoa, Brazil

Time Slot: 14:00h


14:00 – 14:15
Opening Remarks
Cecília Fávia
IEEE WIE UFPB student affinity group president

14:15 – 14:45
The IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society
Vanessa Batista Schramm
Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
IEEE WIE SMC Society Liaison

14:45 – 15:15
The IEEE Women in Engineering and the Project “Engenheiras da Borborema”
Milena Marinho
“Engenheiras da Borborema” Project Coordinator
IEEE WIE UFCG student affinity group past president

15:15 – 16:15
Demystifying Big Data with Hadoop, Hive, Ambari and HDFS
Ricardo Roberto Lima
João Pessoa University Centre (UNIPE)
Social Security Technology and Information Company (DATAPREV)

Organizing Committee

Vanessa Batista Schramm
Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
IEEE WIE SMC Society Liaison

Cecília Fávia
IEEE WIE UFPB (student branch)
IEEE WIE UFPB student affinity group president