TC Leadership
Our Goal
A trend has emerged in which complex systems are being integrated on a large scale with other self-contained systems to satisfy global objectives. Interoperability of resulting systems is enabled through information exchange and increased levels of automation. In light of this emerging discipline trend, this technical committee will focus on both the theory and applications of System of Systems and advocate their development. This technical committee will promote the SoS area for both theory fundamentals and industrial applications. The goal of this technical committee is to develop an environment for discussion and development of Systems of Systems epistemology, lexicon, taxonomy, methods, theory and applications.
- Kevin MacG. Adams, Old Dominion University, USA
- Paul A. Avery, Southwest Research Institute, USA
- Clifton Baldwin, Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Daniel DeLaurentis, Purdue University, USA
- Charles Dickerson, Loughborough University, UK
- David J. Fitzgerald, NGC, Colorado Springs, USA
- Hossam A. Gabbar, Okayama University, Japan
- Darryl Gomez, Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA
- David Greenwood, University of St. Andrews, UK
- Kelly Griendling, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Mo Jamshidi, The University of Texas, USA
- Irvin Jones, USAFA, USA
- Nagothu Kranthimanoj, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
- Christopher Lamb, University of New Mexico, USA
- Chih-Min Lin, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
- Adolfo Lopez Paredes, University of Valladolid, Spain
- Ramakrishnan Raman
- Brian Sauser, Stevens Insitute of Technology, USA
- Xiao-Ping Zhang, University of Birmingham, UK
Recent Activities
- Key contributors to the organization of the 2010 SoS Conference, held at Loughborough University
- Planned 2011 SoS Conference held in Albuquerque, NM
- Conducting Roadmapping Exercise for SoS Research and Development
- Establishing link with INCOSE knowledge network in Systems of Systems
Join Us
The SoS TC is newly invigorated with additional leadership and important initiatives that need engaged members to realize. Join us in this endeavor as we seek both theoretic developments and successful industrial applications in areas such as the aerospace, defense, transportation, healthcare, and automobile industries. Researchers and practitioners in enterprise management, modeling and simulation, and software and hardware architecture development that relate to System of Systems are especially encouraged to join. You can exchange ideas, your management skills, and your research and development results with peers in similar areas.