Job Opening – PostDoc: University of Cambridge, UK

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Neuroscience
University of Cambridge, UK

We are seeking a highly creative and motivated postdoctoral fellow (research associate) to work in the group of Guillaume Hennequin at the Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, on a circuit-level theory of motor control.

The group studies the dynamics of computation in brain circuits using methods from control theory, dynamical systems and machine learning ( This project involves a collaboration with the group of Karel Svoboda at HHMI Janelia Farm; funding is available for extended visits to the Janelia Research Campus. We also have close interactions with the control theory group in Cambridge (Rodolphe Sepulchre, Tim O’Leary).

The successful candidate will have a strong analytical background and demonstrable interest in theoretical neuroscience. They should have or be close to completion of a PhD in computational neuroscience, physics, mathematics, computer science, machine learning or a related field. Previous experience in computational neuroscience is not required, but preference will be given to candidates with excellent programming skills, or expertise in neural network modelling, control theory, numerical analysis, dynamical systems theory, and machine learning.

The position is funded for two years, with an initial one-year appointment and an expectation of extension to another year given satisfactory performance. Salary depends on experience and is in the range £28,143 – £37,768 p.a.

Please direct your initial enquiries to Guillaume Hennequin