ORCID Additional Information for ScholarOne

All IEEE journals require an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for all authors. ORCID is a persistent unique identifier for researchers and functions similarly to an article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI). ORCIDs enable accurate attribution and improved discoverability of an author’s published work. The author will need a registered ORCID in order to submit a manuscript or review a proof in this journal.

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These FAQs are intended to help societies, editors, and peer review support specialists answer questions about the ORCID implementation.

What is ORCID?

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a not-for-profit organization that provides persistent unique identifiers for researchers, much like a DOI does for a published article. Researchers can sign up for an ORCID for free via an easy registration process on orcid.org or via ScholarOne or the Author Gateway. Learn more at http://orcid.org/content/about-orcid or at https://vimeo.com/97150912.

Do co-authors need ORCIDs?

ORCIDs for co-authors are encouraged. Corresponding authors can ask their co-authors to link their ScholarOne accounts to their ORCIDs.

How is the ORCID collected?

Both ScholarOne and the Author Gateway collect ORCIDs via a link out to orcid.org. The user is returned to their previous screen after the ORCID is collected and verified. ORCIDs cannot be entered manually; this ensures that the ORCID is valid.

Why is IEEE implementing this policy?

ORCID disambiguates author names, allowing for accurate attribution and improved discoverability.

Do any other publishers have this policy?

IEEE joins 16 other major journal publishers in requiring an ORCID for submission. An additional 40+ publishers request but do not require ORCIDs during submission. You can read more at https://orcid.org/content/requiring-orcid-publication-workflows-open-letter.

Does the author need to add their ORCID to every manuscript they submit?

The author needs to add their ORCID only once per ScholarOne site. If the author has an account on another journal’s ScholarOne site, then the author will follow the same process for that journal.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact Tiffany McKerahan, Author Engagement and Support Manager, at [email protected].

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