Information for Accepted Papers

Download the Author’s Final Manuscript Checklist (PDF).
Download Instructions for Completing the Final Manuscript (PDF).

Instructions for Completing the Final Manuscript

Especially if your paper has been revised, check to see that the equations, figures and tables are still in consecutive numerical order. All figures must be cited in consecutive order in text. Be sure that you understand
the rules governing overlength page charges discussed in the IEEE Author Digital Tool Box. These rules can also be found on the back cover of the publication.

For vectors and matrices, use boldface type which may be indicated by a wavy (or straight) underline in the manuscript. Notation under symbols can be set in type; however, notation can be set above symbols if required. Symbols should b clearly identified, if necessary, by a separate sheet of instructions for the typesetter. Clear distinction must be made between the following: capital and lower case letters; zero and letter “O”; the lower case “l” and the number one, and the prime sign; the letters “k” and kappa, “u” and mu, “v” and nu, “n” and eta; the multiplication cross and the lower case “x”. Care should be observed when using the solidus (slant), vertical bar, and radical sign. All abbreviations and acronyms must be defined when first mentioned. All figures and tables should be identified. Tables are treated as artwork.

One copy of the final version of the paper should be formatted in Microsoft Word or Latex. Do not use pdf (.pdf) or postscript (.ps and .eps) formats for source files. Two copies of the paper should be in PDF format, one copy should be clean and one highlighted. The highlights in the document are where changes were made in response to Editor’s comments. The highlighted file should be designated as a Supporting Document during the file upload.

High quality, camera ready figures and/or tables included. Figure files, illustrations and tables should have a separate section if they are not embedded in the source file and should be listed separately, one per page, with a separate caption page. If you include separate graphics files for illustrations, only TIFF (.tif), Postscript (.ps) and Encapsulated Postscript (.eps) formats are acceptable. Failure to submit a source file may result in publishing delays.

Manuscript is typed double-spaced or in IEEE format, including the reference section The manuscript should conform to IEEE SMC Transactions style regarding numbering of sections, writing and numbering of equations, and form of references, as described in the IEEE Author Digital Tool Box.

Please include a statement addressing how each of the reviewers’ comments was addressed. This file should be designated as a Supporting Document during the file upload.

Include a brief professional biography and head and shoulder photo of each author enclosed (for regular papers only, not for correspondence manuscripts).

A separate page listing all footnotes except those on the title page should be included.

Note, it is the author’s responsibility, not the journal’s, to proofread the final paper. If errors are found, the paper will be sent back for revisions.

Research support, grants, and/or prior conference presentations should appear in a footnote at the beginning of the paper, if appropriate.

PLEASE be sure to use the IEEE standard reference style. Please double-check your references for accuracy. Errors in reference listings are very common. If you only replicate references from secondary sources, you may well contribute to the escalation of these errors. See back issues for samples of the IEEE reference style. References should be listed alphabetically, or in the order of their use in the manuscript, and numbered. Arabic numbers enclosed by square brackets, i.e. [3], should be used to cite references. Complete reference information, including publication date, and volume and number, should always be provided. Please make a special effort to insure correctness of these.

The proper time to write your paper is before you receive galley proofs, not after! Please do not rewrite your paper when you receive galleys. We must now bill authors for excessive alterations in galley proofs. Please treat your forthcoming galley proofs as a priority item and return them promptly. Always keep the editor informed of your current address.

We must obtain a copy of the copyright release form in order to be able to publish your paper.

A copy of the Author’s Checklist must be completed and returned with the final manuscript.

Publication costs continue to escalate. You can do your part by submitting high quality papers and by observing these guidelines.

Thank you for your assistance.

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