June 2009
Issue #27
Local Chapter
Student Branch Chapter News

Chunguo Li
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Hebei University
Hebei, China, 071002
Tel: 86 312 5073278

IEEE SMC Student Branch Chapter in Hebei University

The Hebei University Student Branch Chapter (HBU-SBC) was found in April 2007 at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Hebei University in China. HBU-SBC aims at enlarging the students’ information and supplying a platform for IEEE-SMC student members to rap off their learning ideas and latest focus research. It also helps the students to look for research suggestions and cooperation from the other academic fields.

Some student members of HBU-SBC participated in the preparation of the conference ICMLC06 which is technically sponsored by SMC. This year, several student members submitted papers to the ICMLC07 conference. They expect to communicate their ideas with experts of machine learning in the conference.

In the near future, HBU-SBC will keep on recommend the SMC students membership to more undergraduate and graduate students in Hebei University and other universities. We also expect to attract more students to join us. HBU-SBC would like to cooperate with the other SBC in China.

SMC student members in HBU-SMC in the conference ICMLC2006